Become a Fat-Burning Machine and Gain Muscle Simultaneously.
When it comes to body recomposition, increasing your output can help you burn more calories and rev your metabolism, if you want to eat the same amount you’re currently eating (maintenance).
This is the principle of GFlux and it can turn you into a fat-burning machine and allow you to gain muscle simultaneously.
For fat loss, you must be in a caloric deficit.
And this can be created by reducing intake by around 10% or by increasing output or activity levels to create a deficit.
You can adjust your workouts to help you burn more calories during your workout by incorporating these 5 tips…
Incorporate more inefficient exercises. These are exercises that are tough for the body to do because they require you to use more stability, have a large range of motion, require explosiveness, or to work against a force pulling/pushing you in a different direction.
This includes burpees, kettlebell swings, plyometrics, battle ropes, and Oly lifts. The inefficient lifts demand more of you and thus burn more calories.
Instead of doing an “arm day”, with isolation exercises, do more compound movements. The more big lifts you can perform, the greater the calorie burn.
As a bonus, you’ll also hit muscle groups with greater frequency, which can lead to better muscle maintenance.
Instead of straight sets, or one exercise performed at a time, try supersets, or two exercises performed back-to-back.
This allows you to get more volume in in less time, and to get some cardio benefits as well. You can also add in some giant sets and circuits for more cardio benefits.
Incorporating HIIT/HILIT, MetCons, and intervals into your training will boost fat burning.
You can choose to do anything from a…
- Tabata
- a MetCon of lunges
- Kettlebell swings
- Sled pushes
- Death marches
With adding intensity, keep it short and sweet: from 5-20 minutes of total time.
5. BONUS Fat Loss Tips
✅ Get those steps in! 🚶♀️➡️
Adding steps throughout the day will boost your calorie burn dramatically and can actually help with recovery rates.
✅ Make sure you’re getting good quality sleep as well. If you have a bad night of sleep, consider skipping the workout and get a nap instead!
It matters that much!
✅ Get your protein in, too 😉
Until next time…
Train smart and train hard 💪
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