Building beautiful quads comes down to both…
Compound movements like hack squats, squats, lunges, step ups, etc.,
and …
Isolation movements like leg extensions.
I’ll show you my top 3 favorite variations of leg extensions.
These are the ones that I find the most effective for really bringing out the quad sweep.
1. Toes in isometric hold:
Extend legs upward, pause mid rep, turn your toes in and hold, return feet to perpendicular to the floor, and lower the weight.
2. Double up, single-leg negative:
Go heavier than you would for single-leg, but lighter than you would on normal leg extensions.
This is excellent for building strength!
Extend both legs up and lower the weight with just one leg.
You may alternate or you may do all reps on one side and repeat on the other side.
3. 21’s” – How to perform:
- 7 partial reps in the lower half of the range of motion
- 7 reps in the upper half of the range of motion
- then perform 7 full reps.
Go lighter than you’d normally go. This is an excellent finisher!
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