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Erin is a fitness model and bodybuilder who competes in the IFBB and has won over 14 titles. She is regarded as one of the greatest Figure icons in the history of bodybuilding.
- 2x Ms. Figure Olympia
- 14x IFBB Champion
- 20x Cover Model

What You Earn
FitU 365 $997
Earn 10% commission on this program
Bikini Bod $119
Earn 20% commission on this program
Glute Gains $199
Earn 20% commission on this program
Get Lean $199
Earn 20% commission on this program
Strong Curves $199
Earn 20% commission on this program
Muscle Gain $199
Earn 20% commission on this program
Fit From Home $199
Earn 20% commission on this program
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Are you ready to find a sustainable meal plan & workout program that fits your lifestyle or know someone who does?
One that doesn't take hours upon hours in the gym doing cardio after cardio?
90 Day Program
Bikini Bod
This 90-day program focuses on building broad shoulders and round glutes, toning the arms and legs, defining core and reducing waist circumference. **Monthly meal guides are included.
90 Day Program
Glute Gains
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gym & Home workout options. Glute Gains will be released to a small group of ladies at first. Click “See More” below to get more details.
90 Day Program
Get lean, maintain muscle, and do it with little to no steady state cardio! This 90-day program offers a sustainable solution to dropping excess body fat, keeping metabolism high, and avoiding plateau.
90 Day Program
Strong Curves
Build a superhero physique while leaning down with this 90-day comprehensive training program and meal guide. Workouts focus on building the upper back, shoulders, upper chest, glutes, and legs, while reducing waist size. Training is 5 days per week, and take about an hour each day to complete. You’ll have recommended sets, reps, and recovery time for each exercise.
90 Day Program
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gain strategic muscle without bulking with this 90-day comprehensive training program and meal guide. Based on traditional bodybuilding splits, workouts help you build all muscle groups to create an impressive physique. Workouts are 6 days per week, and take about an hour each day to complete.
90 Day Program
Fit From Home
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A 90-day program is based on progression, so each week we’ll add a bit more volume and complexity to the workouts. A great feature of this program is the limited amount of equipment needed to do it!