Why Your Gluteus Medius Muscle Is Important
Working hard to develop your gluteus medius can not only lead to fuller, rounder glutes, but can also help with core stability and strength, and with injury prevention.
This muscle is responsible for rotation, abduction, and keeping your pelvis stable – whether it’s in the gym or in real life.
Even if you hip thrust hundreds of pounds, you can still have a weak glute medius.
✅ Do this quick test:
Stand on a solid surface and place your hands on your hip bones.
Slowly raise one knee until your upper leg reaches parallel to the floor.
📝Note your hip bones:
Are they level, or did you compensate by raising one hip?
If you’re able to keep your hips level, you’re good.
Working on the glute medius can still be great for hypertrophy, though.
If you had issues keeping your hips level, adding these 3 exercises to your routine can strengthen this little glute muscle.
(video below)
Gluteus Medius Exercises:
1. Side plank with abductor lift
2. Single-leg squat
3. Glute medius lift
Add these in to your current routine 1-2x per week for best results. As with any exercise, use progression.
This means you’ll add weight or reps to your exercises each week. A general rule of thumb is a 5-10% increase each week to keep making gains.
Repeat the glute medius test every few weeks to gauge progress.
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Until next time…
Train smart and train hard!