Is It Possible To Get A Smaller Waist With A Workout?
Let me explain how this smaller waist look is possible…
It’s incredible how we can change our physiques through weight training.
With time, care, effort, and a diet that supports progress, it’s possible to make incredible changes over time.
The V-taper is a desirable aesthetic in bodybuilding and fitness, characterized by broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and a well-developed back.
This silhouette creates the illusion of an inverted triangle, which is universally admired for its aesthetic appeal.
In order to achieve this look, building the upper back, lateral or side delts, and training the transverse abdominis (TVA) is key.
In this workout, we’ll not only train the muscle responsible for creating the width across the upper body, but also train the abs, thus creating the appearance of a smaller waist over time.
Smaller Waist Workout
(video below)
1a). T-bar row
1b). Plank
2a). High pull lat pulldown
2b). Decline plank toe touch
3a). Rear delt press
3b). Vacuum twist
4a). Lean forward lateral raise
4b). Renegade row
In terms of sets and reps, you may want more volume to build muscle.
So, you’ll be anywhere from 3 sets to 5 sets of each superset.
Lifting exercises should be between 1-4 reps from failure, so push yourself – especially on the first 2 supersets.
If you want more smaller waist workouts, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel (it’s FREE 😉)
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Train smart and train hard 💪